Charge, wait for the charger to turn green. If recharging does not work or if the skateboard does not turn on after charging, contact customer service.

If you experience symptoms such as difficulties changing gear modes, the inability to turn off the remote before the board shuts down, or if you can brake but not accelerate, this is usually caused by the trigger magnets shifting from their original positions inside the remote case. In most cases, the Phaze remote will automatically detect this and prompt you to perform a trigger calibration.

Reset de la télécommande Phaze

  1. Turn on your Evolve skateboard ON
  2. Turn on your remote ON
  3. Once the LCD screen displays “Pair the remote”, follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Press and hold the MODE 1 button on the remote for one second or until the Bluetooth symbol starts flashing. Once paired, the LCD screen will display the speed controller and will be in SAFE mode. This means you are ready to ride!